3 Website Design Trends of 2019
Is your website ready for 2019? Checkout these
three web design trends for the upcoming year. Get in touch with our web design
team - http://bit.ly/2OBoRaM
As we head into a new year, many businesses are starting to
think about their marketing plans for the upcoming year. This is a great time
to take stock of your current website and think about whether you need to
update or refresh.
The first trend is mobile first design. It’s no secret that
we are more attached to our phones than ever now. In 2018 Google made the
switch to mobile first indexing. This means that the mobile version of your
website is the version that Google will include in its index. Between this
shift between Google and user behavior trending more towards searching on
phones, it is more important than ever to make sure your website is in tip top
shape for use on a phone.
Think about designing for mobile first and then expanding
your designs for desktop and tablet. This way you are sure your users can do
and see everything they need to on a mobile device.
The second trend to watch is website speed. In today's busy
world, people’s attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. If your
website lags or is slow to load, it's likely your web visitors will just move
along and check out one of your competitors. It's not just our lagging
attention spans that you need to worry about when it comes to website speed.
It's also our "Google Overlords", in July of 2018 the Google speed update went live. In this update, Google included using mobile page speed as a ranking factor for search results. More than almost any other web design trend, speed needs to be at the front of your mind at the very beginning of your design process. This news isn't new, but the importance of it will only grow.
The third trend to watch is chat bots. Web design in 2019 is all about user experience. How can you make your site as easy to user as possible for your customers. What can you do to make sure they are able to find the information they need and answer any questions they have as quickly as possible. One answer is chat bots. We already have seen these bots popping up in the corners of many website, offering to help answer your questions.
As the technology continues to evolve, we will be seeing more and more of them. Properly used and configured, chat bots can be extremely helpful for you and your customers. From an end user perspective, chat bots allow users to ask questions and get the answers they need quickly. This gives users a good feeling about the interaction with your business. From a business perspective, chat bots allow you to collect valuable user data for your marketing and sales teams. Are you finding that users are coming to your website and asking the same questions? Perhaps you need a blog article, social media post or a new page on your site to answer that topic. Your users are telling you what they want and for a marketer, this is golden.
For more great tips, check out our blog and follow us on social media.
Web Design services - http://bit.ly/2OBoRaM
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