3 Reasons Why E-mail Marketing is Still Alive

Anyone who tries to tell you that email is dead, is dead wrong. I'm Katie Weedman, Content Strategist for THAT Agency, and here are three reasons why email marketing is still alive and well. Read more here - https://goo.gl/49FLSE 

Reason #1: Email marketing continues to drive sales.

Just last year, email was the biggest marketing channel on Black Friday, driving 28% of revenue. In fact, according to the retail marketing platform Ometria, email outperformed both free and paid online search.

And that makes sense, because of...

Reason #2: Email marketing gives you direct access to your audience.

Think about it. Your email inbox is a vehicle for direct, personal communication. Plus, you check your inbox every day - probably several times a day.

As a marketer, frequent and direct access to your audience's attention is not only smart for engagement, but also smart for sales.

It's perhaps because of this that we get...

Reason #3: Email delivers more bang for your buck than almost any other kind of marketing.

In 2017, DMA research put the ROI of email marketing at about $30 - which means, for every $100 you invest in email marketing, your business can expect an average of $3,000 back.

Not bad, right?

In closing, remember that email is still a powerful marketing tool - one that continues to be a worthwhile investment.

For more tips like these, check us out at www.thatagency.com, and be sure to follow us on Facebook!

Happy emailing!

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