4 Steps to Create a Buyer Persona

Hey everyone! I wanted to talk to you about the steps involved in creating buyer personas: a topic that is near and dear to my heart these days, as we are knee deep in onboarding a few new clients here at THAT Agency. - http://bit.ly/2Mjxfux 

First, let's talk about what buyer personas are, and why you need them. Buyer personas are generalized representations of your ideal customers. Personas are helpful across all facets of business -- whether it be marketing, sales, product development, or service. The goal of the buyer persona is to internalize the ideal customer we're trying to attract, and relate to our customers as real humans. Having a deep understanding of your buyer persona(s) is critical to driving content creation, product development, sales follow up, and really anything that relates to customer acquisition and retention.

Now, where to start?

Step 1: Research your target audience

Do a little research. Okay, maybe quite a bit of research. Start with your current customer base. By looking for commonalities among your best customers, you can create a persona that will help you attract more great customers. Start by setting up a phone call or interview. Ask them about their roles, company, goals and challenges. Find out where they go to consume information, what their shopping preferences are and even some of their personal background - demographics, education, career path...things like that. - http://bit.ly/2O67mQo 

Key tip: you can also research customers you have had bad experiences with, and create a negative persona - those customers that are just not the right fit for your product or service.

Step 2: Narrow down the most common details and seperate into personas

Once you've done all your research, narrow down your results into common details, and then organize them into seperate personas. To do this, identify people within your audience with the same challenges and goals group them in their own category. These categories will result in different personas.

Step 3: Give your personas names

While this may seem like a silly step, it will help to envision this persona as a real person, and will aid you when ideating and writing content, or even speaking to them. You can even take it a step further and find a photo to represent them.

Step 4: Start writing personalized content & emails

You did it! Now, start ideating and writing personalized content keeping your new personas in mind. You will find that subscribers and website visitors will be more engaged with the more personalized content that is relevant to them!

Thanks so much for checking in today! For more great tips like these, check out our blog at www[dot]thatagency[dot]com, and follow us on Facebook.

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